Input objects ############# Input objects are used to pass structured objects as arguments to queries or mutations. Create an instance of ``pyql.InputObject``: .. code-block:: python PostInput = InputObject('PostInput', fields={ 'title': NonNull(str), 'body': str, }) An example mutation making use of the input object: .. code-block:: python Post = Object('Post', fields={ 'id': ID, 'title': str, 'body': str, }) Mutation = Object('Mutation') @Mutation.field('create_post') def resolve_create_post(root, info, post: PostInput) -> Post: # The ``post`` argument is an instance of PostInput. # Attributes are accessible as expected. # Let's pretend we stored the data in our database and want to # return information about the newly created post: return Post( id='1', title=post.title, body=post.body) schema = Schema( query=Query, mutation=Mutation) A query against the schema might look like this: .. code-block:: python query = """ mutation createPost($post: PostInput!) { createPost(post: $post) { id, title, body } } """ variables = {'post': {'title': 'Hello', 'body': 'Hello world'}} schema.execute(query, variables=variables) assert result.errors is None assert == { 'createPost': { 'id': '1', 'title': 'Hello', 'body': 'Hello world', } }