
You can use Enums as input / output types as you would with any scalar type.

Start by defining your Enum type:

from enum import Enum

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 'red'
    GREEN = 'green'
    BLUE = 'blue'

Then, simply use it to annotate your resolvers:

def resolve_random_color(root, info) -> Color:
    return Color.RED

Or for an input type:

    Color.RED: 'Cherry Red',
    Color.GREEN: 'Grass Green',
    Color.BLUE: 'Sky Blue',

def resolve_episode(root, info, color: Color) -> str:
    return DESCRIPTIONS[color]

Values vs names

Keep in mind that enum values will be used externally; member names are for internal use only.

So, for example, the first query will return:

{ "randomColor": "red" }

Likewise, the second and third query will accept red (the enum value) and not "RED" as input value.

Valid query:

{ describeColor(color: red) }

Invalid query:

{ describeColor(color: RED) }